2025 FITNESS RESOLUTION: No “Whistling Dixie” Here!
Have you ever had an expression or song lyric that sticks in your brain and you do not know where it came from? I sure have with: “Whistling Dixie”. According to Collins Dictionary this expression, which originated in the southern United States, means being less than honest in what is being said (b.s., if you will) and that it should therefore probably be ignored. Now how did a Canadian get this expression stuck in his brain and what does it have to do with his 2025 Fitness Resolution?
Well, this blog has over 80 posts; and in the past year I have to say that I drifted away from the content of some of these posts. (Perhaps due to coming back from injury, which was a new and different journey this past year, as mentioned in my LAST POST.) For instance, I have a post about HIP STRENGTHENING EXERCISES FOR RUNNERS. Yet, I was no longer doing these exercises. To me, it seemed that I was “Whistling Dixie” by having the post, yet not doing the work myself.
Nevertheless, a couple of months ago, I restarted doing these hip strengthening exercises (even added a couple more). And my legs and hips were stiff and sore after restarting these exercises; leading me to conclude that these exercises are not “Whistling Dixie” - they have value and should not be ignored.
Therefore my fitness resolution for this year is to cut myself a bit of slack and put into “hibernation” posts or training ideas that I am not following at this time. With a post in hibernation, I can revisit the topic at a later time and activate the post again with new training ideas. What I hope readers take away from this fitness resolution is that it is okay to put training ideas and programs into hibernation, and it does not mean you are “Whistling Dixie” - training ideas and programs can always be revisited at a later time.
To see which posts are active and which are in hibernation right now, check out the EOOC TABLE OF CONTENTS.
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Experiment of One Coaching covers topics ranging from running, strength training, health & wellness, sports nutrition to travel. I usually post once or twice a month.