A Movement Snack for 2022

A movement snack is a short burst of movement done every hour or so designed to counteract the negative effect of prolonged sitting, especially prolonged sitting in front of a tablet or computer screen. Endurance athletes can also use snacks to keep loose and limber throughout the day.

A Broom Handle Works Great for this Movement Snack

Equipment: You’ll need a broom handle to perform this movement snack. As pictured above, it’s best to be able to detach the handle from the broom for these movements.

Movements: Like all movement and strengthening routines posted in Experiment of One Coaching, I personally do this movement snack. However, out of an abundance of caution, this snack may not be a good fit for you. Therefore, I recommend consulting with your health professional prior to using this snack.

The Corkscrew gets at the transverse plane of movement. With feet planted shoulder width apart, hold broom handle in front of you with palms down and move it over your head to your upper back (not your neck). Then use the handle as a guide to straighten your posture. Once posture is taller and straighter, twist your upper body in one direction, then twist back in the opposite direction. Start by a comfortable twisting motion followed by a deeper twist for the last couple. Try to work up to 10 Corkscrew twists in each direction.

Atlas Shrugs
With feet planted shoulder width apart, hold broom handle in front of you with palms down and hinge at the waist to stretch out the hamstrings in the lower body for a maximum of three seconds. Then, like Atlas holding up the globe, keep the handle above your head while hinging the upper body back up. And hinge backwards as far as possible. Start by a comfortable hinging motion followed by deeper hinging for the last couple. Try to work up to 10 Atlas Shrugs.

Palm Down & Up
With feet planted shoulder width apart, hold broom handle in front of you with palms down. Then move the handle over your head so the stick is behind you with palms facing up for a maximum of three seconds. Then reverse the direction of this movement so the handle is in front of you, palms down. Start by a comfortable movement from palm down to palm up and back to down (try keeping the ends the handle between the thumb and index finger). Try to work up to 10 Palm Down & Ups.
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For more about moving in the transverse plane along with other movement planes, check out:

These movements are held for a maximum of three seconds to avoid activating the stretch reflex. For more on the stretch reflex, check out:

Other strength training and health & wellness articles on movement from Experiment of One Coaching:
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Experiment of One Coaching covers topics ranging from running, strength training, health & wellness, sports nutrition to travel.
